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QuickRank: A C++ suite of Learning to Rank algorithms
▼Nquickrank | |
▼Ndata | |
CDataset | This class implements a Dataset to be used for a L-t-R task |
Cexternal_sort_op_t | |
CQueryResults | This class wraps a set of results for a given query |
CRankedResults | This class generates a ranked list of results |
CVerticalDataset | This class implements a Dataset to be used for a L-t-R task |
▼Ndriver | |
CDriver | This class implements the main logic of the quickrank application |
▼Nio | |
CGenOblivious | This class is a code generator on QuickRank XML files |
CGenOpCond | This class is a code generator on QuickRank XML files |
CGenVpred | This class is a code generator on QuickRank XML files |
CSvml | This class implements IO on Svml files |
Ctree_node | |
▼Nlearning | |
▼Nforests | |
Cexternal_sort_op_t | |
CLambdaMart | |
CMart | |
CObliviousLambdaMart | |
CObliviousMart | |
CRankboost | This implements the RankBoost algorithm |
CWeakRanker | |
▼Nlinear | |
CCoordinateAscent | This implements the Coordinate Ascent algorithm |
CLineSearch | This implements the Line Search algorithm |
CCustomLTR | |
CLTR_Algorithm | |
▼Nmetric | |
▼Nir | |
CDcg | This class implements the Discounted cumulative Gain DCG@K measure |
CMap | This class implements the average precision AP@k measure |
CMetric | This class implements the basic functionalities of an IR evaluation metric |
CNdcg | This class implements the Normalized Discounted cumulative Gain NDCG@k measure |
CTndcg | This class implements a Tie-aware version of Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain TNDCG@k measure |
▼Noptimization | |
▼Npost_learning | |
▼Npruning | |
CCleaver | This implements various strategies for pruning ensembles |
CLastPruning | This implements random pruning strategy for pruning ensembles |
CLowWeightsPruning | This implements random pruning strategy for pruning ensembles |
CQualityLossPruning | This implements random pruning strategy for pruning ensembles |
CRandomPruning | This implements random pruning strategy for pruning ensembles |
CScoreLossPruning | This implements random pruning strategy for pruning ensembles |
CSkipPruning | This implements random pruning strategy for pruning ensembles |
CPostLearningOptimization | |
▼Npre_learning | |
CPreLearningOptimization | |
COptimization | |
CBitArray | |
Cbitarray | Bit array implementation (1 bit per element) |
CDevianceMaxHeap | |
▼CEnsemble | |
Cwt | |
Cmahheap | Max-heap implementation with key of type float |
▼CMaxHeap | |
Citem | |
CObliviousRT | |
CRegressionTree | |
CRTNode | |
CRTNodeHistogram | |
CRTRootHistogram | |
Csymmatrix | Symmetric matrix implementation |
CSymMatrix |